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My Sister, the Night She Met Her Husband, 2013


Vintage coloured kodak print 10x15 cm.Unique piece.

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The picture of my little sister was taken the night of the 2000 new years eve. She was fancy dressed, the best she could, to say hello to new millennium. She was going to participate to a modest dinner I organized with my high school classmates (I was almost 16th myself). Guests were not more than ten people. Her husband-to-be was one of them. It was a very nice, friendly night.

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Nine years later my friends and I host a massive party in the same location, for the new years eve, 150 participants. My sister was one of them. They met each other again and fall in love.
They married in 2011

In My sister, the night she met her husband, photography, instead of evoking memories of a real-happened past, recalls the magic of a future to be. It becomes the projection of what was going to happened, it opens up a series of possible, plausible, scenarios. It gives hints to imagination to flow around the concept of time and happening.

In Mia sorella, la notte in cui ha incontrato suo marito, la fotografia, invece di evocare ricordi di un passato accaduto realmente, richiama la magia di un futuro da essere. Diventa la proiezione di ciò che stava per accadere, apre una serie di scenari possibili, plausibili.

Dà suggerimenti all'immaginazione per fluire intorno al concetto di tempo e accadimento.

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